⚙️Fresnel, Panner, Pixel Depth Offset, UV Multiplier

You can add a Fresnel effect on top of your Base Color or Emissive Materials, and control their force, opacity, and if they affect the center of the mesh.

Fresnel Values offers the following settings :

  • Exponent

How strong the fresnel effect will be

  • Center Value

If a value is set, will use that value as the base for the center of the mesh (Before applying the Fresnel)

  • Opacity

Opacity of the Fresnel.

You can also use Normal maps and/or use a Mask with them (Separated from the Global Settings.)


It's possible to use a panner to move the texture in a specified direction with the Speed X and Y values.

Some nodes may have their own panner, independant of the Global panner.

You can combine the UV Breaking features, Triplanar and Panner to create a special effect !

Pixel Depth Offset

Pixel depth offset is a setting allowing you to blend the object with another material.

However, it will create visual glitches if "Cast Shadows" isn't disabled on the mesh it's applied on !

UV Multiplier

Multiplies the UVs on the X or Y axis.

Last updated