Frequently Asked Questions - Solving Issues

This page covers questions you may have or issues you may encounter.

My compiled project dosen't start

Before packaging a project using PANORA|make, be sure to have at least one C++ class ! You can create a blank one if you don't have any. If you don't have one, you project won't start !

The builder takes a very long time to start

The very first time you open the builder, it'll have to cache all your textures/materials, so if you installed PANORA|make on a big project it'll take very long to initally cache everything !

Unreal dosen't compile the shaders if materials aren't used, so if you install an asset pack PANORA|make will access it during the loading of the instance, to precache the assets.

Let it load; it's normal.

The builder shows a big red message down when opened ; dosen't work

Reinstall the plugin.

I get a long message when opening the project saying that elements dosen't exist anymore in the builder component

Reinstall the plugin.

The Builder takes a very long time to toggle switches/react to changes

There are a lot of causes that can affect the editing speed ; toggling switches causes the builder to recompile a big part of the Instance for example.

The size of your terrain, number of layers used, Instance type (a Single instance is much lighter than a Multi Instance) and of course specs of your computer can all affect the reactivity of editing.

Enabling RVT Caching does not change anything

Make sure your project has Virtual textures enabled. See Landscape Caching for more information.

Landscape Caching does not work on UE5

If your Instance was created prior to the version 1.1.3, edit your Master as shown in the orange box on top of Landscape Caching.

Last updated