Texture Conversion

The Auto-Converter allows to directly convert a Texture when importing it. Clicking it on the top left corner of the Interface enables it.

When using shaders, some texture are used to sample Colors, or Values. As such they are sampled differentely. For example a Color map is sampled as sRGB Color, and this message will pop up in the console is the texture is not of that format (for example, in RAW Color or grayscale).

If the auto-converter is enabled however, the Texture map will be automatically converted and sampled as the correct format. This is especially useful for ORM maps that are often imported unmodified even though they aren't in the correct format by default.

The correct format is indicated in the left corner of the channel area (for example, "Should use sRGB Color").

If the Auto-Converter is off and a texture does not have the correct type, a button will appear and allow you to manually convert the texture when clicked.

NOTE : If the textures are used elsewhere, changing their sampling type WILL mess up other materials using them !

Be sure to only use the converter with textures only used for the Landscape !

Last updated