
Installing PANORA|make on your Unreal Project & Launching the interface

Open the Archive, and extract the content of the folder corresponding to your Unreal version at the root of your project.

So if you use Unreal 4.26, place the content of the "4.26_ExtractIntoProject" folder in the root directory of your project.

PANORA|make requires Unreal Engine version 4.26+. Launch your project.

If it asks you to rebuild the plugin, do so. You'll need Visual Studio installed and set up !

Then, to use the Virtual Texture Caching :

  • Open your project and open the Project Settings.

On the top search bar, search for "Enable Runtime Virtual Texture" and tick "Enable Virtual Texture Support". Enable other options if you need them.

When finished, close your project and extract the contents of the archive in the /Plugins directory of your project.

Restart the project, wait for the newly enabled Virtual Textures to compile (Unreal will appear to stay at 45% when loading, that's normal) and enjoy !

Launching the Interface

Go to the root of your project content and you should see "PanoraBuilder".

Right click it and launch it.

If you delete the builder by accident, reinstall and overwrite the plugin.

If everything is set up correctly, this window should pop up !

Last updated