Manual Sub-Layer Drawing

You also have the ability to manually draw Sub-Layers on the terrain. You can then add, multiply, or subtract all your masks using the manually drawn values.

These illustration are in LOOKDEV Mode.

The Sub-Layer 1 in Red is under the Sub-Layer 2 in Green.

Even when drawn, Sub-Layers keep their order.

Using the Manual drawing mode settings that are at the top of the Mask Settings, we can change how the masks overlap with the manual drawn section.

Here are the 3 modes of painting in action :

+ (Addition)

* (Multiply)

- (Subtract)

Depending on your needs, manually painting can be a powerful way of using masks only on some parts of the landscape, excluding the mask somewhere, or forcing it on other places.

If you subtract a mask on an entire landscape chunk, then it won't be computed, like this:

The UE Paintable layers list on the Landscape Paint interface are glitchy on UE 5.0 and below as there may be too much layers to select. This is a UE limitation and you may need to fiddle with the scroll bar or rearrange the Layers list to select the one you want ! UE 5.1 dosen't have this problem !

If you want to paint layers on top of everything else, you'll need to use Correction Layers.

See Biomes Workflow for more information.

Last updated