🎬 Installation

Installing PANORA|make on your Unreal Project & Launching the interface

Once downloaded, open the Archive, and extract the content of the folder corresponding to your Unreal version in the "Plugins" Engine folder.

So if you use Unreal Engine 5.1, place the content of the "5.1_ExtractIntoEnginePlugins" folder in the engine's Plugins folder (see example below.).

Once done, launch your project. If you get a prompt asking to rebuild the project, do so. You'll need Visual Studio installed and set up !

Once the project opened, you can move on to the next steps !

On your project, click on Edit --> Plugins.

A window featuring installed plugins will pop up.

Type "panora" to see PANORA|make in the list. Check it and restart your project.

Virtual Textures are very important to keep the shader complexity of the Instances low.

To use them, you'll need to enable them in your project.

  • Open your project and open the Project Settings.

On the top search bar, search for "Enable Runtime Virtual Texture" and tick "Enable Virtual Texture Support". Enable other options if you need them.

Virtual Textures for Mobile, at least as of 5.2, is unstable and may crash the build. It's not recommended to enable them.

When finished, close your project and restart your project.

It'll take a moment to re-open as it'll need to recompile a lot of shaders.

Simply click the new PANORA|make Icon to the top of your UE5 interface.

If everything is set up correctly, this window should pop up !

It's heavily recommended to dock the Interface to the right of your viewport, as it was designed to be used vertically to leave more space for it !

Last updated