All Switches & Features for ES3.1

This page features all the toggles & features for ES3.1 rendering as well as informations about them if needed.

Material Tab

Use Sub-Layer on Mobile

New tile that will appear if UCP is enabled, in Materials.

Switches & Features :

  • Checkbox (title)

    If disabled, will fully disable this Sub-Layer on ES3.1 targets (treated as if it didn't exist.)

  • Button (Refresh Mobile Atlasses) Fully Refreshes the Atlasses used for the Color/Normal/ORM maps (Instance-wide). It may be needed if the texture shown on ES3.1 aren't the same as on desktop.

Distance-Based UV Scaling
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Break UV Tiling
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Triplanar Mapping
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Parallax Occlusion Mapping
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Base Color
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = will use the uniform color value of the Sub-Layer (instead of the Base Color texture in the Atlas).

Using a texture set in an Atlas is heavier than using the same texture with a regular sampler, so this option is recommended if the color texture can be swapped for a solid color without being too noticeable !

Normal Map
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = use a flat normal value.

ORM Values
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = will use uniform Roughness/Metalness values and no Occlusion, instead of the ORM packed texture present in the array.

If the Mobile|VR switch is enabled, the Get from option is available in the Roughness map settings. It allows for using an already sampled map as the base for the roughness, allowing to have non-uniform roughness without using the packed ORM map of the Atlas.

Layer to Use refers to which layer of the parent map to use as the Roughness channel.

The Contrast, Luminosity and Invert options are for ajusting the channel taken from the parent map.

If the ORM map isn't already sampled elsewhere, using this option saves a sampler.

Effects Tab

Darken/Lighten Materials (both)
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Add Water Layer
  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Add Sparkles

  • Mobile|VR switch disabled = simply toggled off on ES3.1 targets.

Last updated